Thursday, September 17, 2009

Black Mother gives Birth to THREE “White” Kids

I’m trying to find the words for how I feel about this. Yea it’s not working so I think im going to give up for right now cause, I cant say that’s a mess since they are kids and they didn’t ask the be born like that but I cant say it cool, cause it kinda wired. Eeehhh I give up cause this is some other ish and the stuff that’s going through my head is going to bite me in the ass if I blog about it LOL.

Parents Rosemere Fernandes de Andrade and her partner Joao are dark-skinned Afro-Brazilians, yet three of their five children are albinos.

Genetics professor Valdir Balbino of the Federal University of Pernambuco said this is a very rare occurrence considering the parents and two other children are black.

Both parents must carry the albinism gene in order to produce a child with albinism. Where both parents are carriers of the albinism gene, there is a one in four chance that a child will be born with the condition.

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