Thursday, September 17, 2009

Caster Semenya Is On Suicide Watch!

ya i could have grabbed a better pic but this one was funny as hell LOL
Let me find out that Caster Semenya cant take the bad part of being famous. Like I understand that she did get a pretty bad beating when it comes to the blogs that people wrote about her [I cant even lie I was having my own little roasting too] and her being a man and now putting it out there that she’s a hermaphrodite; but I mean if that is what you are you should have known that from the jump, and not let it bother you. I mean really how many celebs have been talked about being a hermaphrodite hell we saw Lady Gaga’s dick and she said well I have a dick and a pussy now what. Its just a thing of being ok with who you are and not caring about what no one else thinks. Let ture you are make you stronger and not brake you down.

On Friday, the chairman of Parliament’s portfolio committee on sport and recreation, Butana Komphela, told the Saturday Star that the elite athlete was being closely watched so that no harm came to her.

“She is like a raped person. She is afraid of herself and does not want anyone near her. She has been placed on an altar for all the world to see. If she commits suicide, it will be on all our heads.”

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