Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nas And Kelis Are Back Together Again!?

If you ask me the only reason why Nas and Kelis are back together [if they truly are and its not just the rumor mill pumpin out bullshit] is because Kelis was trippin with all that damn money that she wanted for Nas to pay her every damn month. On some real ish its a lot cheaper for them to stay together then for them to be apart.

The twosome arrived together at New York hot spot Marquee for a private party. The rumor mill is buzzing that several celebrities were in tow and reportedly saw the pair being much friendlier than in recent months.

Nas was ordered to pay Kelis $55,000 per month in child and spousal support. A displeased Kelis retorted that the Queens-bred emcee brings home upwards of $200,000 per month compared to her $13,744. She is asking for over $400,000 in addition to the $55,000 per month.

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