Saturday, September 19, 2009

Jay-Z Defends Kanye

I hope people don’t think just because Jay-Z feels what Kanye West did isn’t all that big of a deal that its not. Don’t get me wrong what Kanye did is in the past however that doesn’t mean that what he did wasn’t wrong Jay-Z said “He didn’t kill anybody” and yes that maybe true but what he did do was humiliat a 19-year-old girl. Taylor Swift maybe acting like it’s all god but who knows what she’s doing when she goes home, for all we know she could be crying and not liking the damn sight of that award, I bet that every time she sees her VMA she thinks of Kanye and not the happiest moment of her career. Check out what Jay-Z had to say in a recent radio interview when the subject of Kanye West was brought up:

"It's an awards show," Jay-Z said, dismissing the hullabaloo around his "Run This Town" collaborator (and de facto "little brother")'s spotlight hijacking.

"He's just a superpassionate person."

Well, that's one word for it...

"Of course it was rude, because it was her moment, but that's the way he really felt. I think it was rude, but the way they're treating him…He's on the cover of every paper. He didn't kill anybody. No one got harmed."

No one but a blindsided 19-year-old, that is.

"I think it's a bit blown out. It was pretty rude," he said, adding, "At the end of the day, we're gonna celebrate him for his passion more than vilify him. As he grows and matures, he has to balance that.

"It just wasn't appropriate. It wasn't fair to Taylor. It wasn't fair to her at all."

Still, Jay-Z said he doesn't back West's already reneged promise to take a break.

"I don't think he should lay low. I think he should move on and have a brilliant career."

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