Tuesday, September 1, 2009

J. Holidy Brings A Girl On Stage & He Gets Dry Humped

OHH HEELLL NAW ULTIMATE FAIL ON THAT GIRLS PART. Ok lets brake down what we all just seen cause THAT was a mess! So R&B singer J. Holidy decides to bring a girl up on stage during his song “It’s Yours” and at first she gets up on the stage and she seems cool but out of the blue she hikes up her dress puts her leg on him starts dry humping him and then to make things worse the jumps on him and starts to hump him hella fast to the point where he had to STOP singing and people had to grab her off him ALL WHILE SHE IS IN A DRESS. “WTF” is going on now a days because THAT was a HOT MESS she knew she was wrong I don’t care that in the song he say “grab my body baby” but he said “grab my body” not jump on me while on stage and try to get my damn dick hard; let alone the fact that he’s talking about giving a girl his heart and asking her not to brake it. Ladies can we PLZ keeps some class while we are at these concerts, cause THAT was a moment when I had to just put my damn head down. “SMH” at her horny ass!!!

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